About Me

My name is Madhur a marketer by profession with a serious passion for all things ‘FOOD’. I believe in ‘अन्न हे पूर्ण ब्रम्ह‘ [anna haepurnabramha] which means food sustains the life and that it comes next to god. I don’t think of food as just filling the stomach, but it plays a vital role in nurturing oneself. Hence, cooking wholesome meals with all the love and attention that each dish deserves is important for me.
Born and raised in bustling Mumbai, I had the privilege to grow up eating a variety of foods. Watching my mom and grandma cook kicked off my curiosity and years later living in Bangalore for a couple of years, fuelled my passion for food. I studied baking at Lavonne Academy of Baking Science and Pastry Arts there. I started my dessert venture ‘Delicious Journey’, which was a thrilling, exciting and exhausting journey all at the same time. But, I closed this venture on a bittersweet note. But my love for food continues.